Monday, March 16, 2020

Wednesday, 4 March 2020: Casa Colibri

Super Tuesday!
Pete Buttigieg dropped out of the race.  Amy Klobuchar dropped out.  Even Bloomberg dropped out. Biden took the south; too early to make the call in California.  AOC refers to Bernie as Tio.

Back to Merida yesterday.  Seems that if one gets a one-time exit/re-entry visa, you must turn it in within ten days of your return.  We started the process of getting Justin's replacement Permanent Resident card on 4 November.  Why didn't we just ask Jordan to bring the one from Winsconsin?  Bet we won't forget that again!!!  Now it is almost time for us to leave again.  Each time you need to get the one time exit re-entry visa you create the need for oh so much more paperwork.  And you have to pay again.  Just imagine the amount of work that wouldn't be necessary if they were more timely.  And then they said they ran out of plastic!!!  Goodness.

Dinner at Carole’s this evening.  She made a Seafood Alfredo.  Actually it was a joint effort between she and Robbie.  Robbie screwed up her back when she fell while dancing at Peter’s party in early February.  She can’t stand very long so she provided all the ingredients and asked Carole to cook.  Sam, Justin and I got to share in the benefits.

Sam has moved into Carole’s casita.  The whole situation with Allison and Jeremy and Marylyn and Carolyn has just turned into a cluster.  Sam had planned to house sit for Jeremy and Allison for the next 6-12 months.  Since the deal for them to buy the property fell through, Sam needed to find a new place to live.  We thought he might stay here for a while but instead, he will be at Carole’ least until her house sells.  Gary tells her that should be final by the end of this month.  Might Sam end up here anyway?  Who knows.  Meanwhile, Allison and Jeremy didn’t want to leave anything in their house.  I remember those feelings when we thought we would get this house.  We got the boat (from Marylyn) and a portable air conditioner.  Sam got the tv, bicycles.  Katherine got the party lights. Janet got the outdoor sun wall hanging in, the flamingoes, the artwork, the Christmas decorations, the power washer, 4-foot ladder and goodness knows what else.  Thankfully, I was involved with workers at our house and I missed the frenzy.

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