Saturday, March 7, 2020

Monday, 10 February 2020: Merida then back to Casa Colibri

Top item on the agenda for today was a visit back to immigrations for Justin’s exit-reentry visa.  Silly us, we thought we were only picking up a paper.  Oh no.  We took our number and waited.  Then, we waited some more.  Finally, with a new number in hand, we waited at window number 3.  Just after 1:00 we were done and on our way to Home Depot to get one more 5 gallon bucket of roof sealant.  Lolita will be able to finish the entire roof.  Then to Sam’s for dog food etc. before our last stop at Chedrauri to return the set of pots and pans I bought a week or so ago.  That was a cluster.  First you must have the merchandise previewed by three employees then you must gain the signature of the boss, then, and only then do you get cash back.  No refund to your credit card.  Goodness.  

We didn’t know what time Tom and his crew were planning to arrive in Celestun and even though we really wanted to be on site to greet them, we knew we had to go to Merida.  Sure enough, we dropped off a few items for Peter we had purchased at Sam’s and about two minutes out from our house we saw Tom going the other way.  Evan and Robin told us they’d been here, unloaded all their luggage and set off for town to explore.  We headed that way too and found them in the square.  Yadira was interested in checking out the health clinic that was set up near the municipal building.

We took the opportunity to catch up with Tom and Yadira and get acquainted with Mike and Judy over a lovely dinner at Los Pampanos and then an ice cream before we settled in for the evening.

At Casa Colibri we are at full capacity for the first time.  Since the family suit is “under construction” and the other three rooms are “occupied”, that puts us at “no vacancy”. Wow!  That’s a first for us.  

In the rest of the world: the Corona virus continues to grow and to menace.  The debacle of the Iowa caucuses has an explanation (of sorts). New Hampshire will hold their primary tomorrow. 

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