Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, 9 March 2020: Casa Colibri

Lolita and her crew were here to paint yesterday.  The turquoise is looking fabulous!

Filli came today to help Abraham repair Keken's fence.  We need to keep her IN her own yard and we need to keep Max OUT.  

I was a cooking fool today, to coin Mary’s term.  I made some enchilada sauce and then Huevos Montado for Justin and me.  I used Robin’s frozen cod fillets to make lunch for Abraham, Filli and his son.  And, I made cornbread and chopped and cooked the onions and celery for the dressing we will have next weekend.  Justin and I have planned a “clean out the Frig” dinner for next Sunday.  These veggies and the cornbread will wait patiently in the freezer until next Saturday.

Aholi came today.  Looks like we will only get to see her two more times this season.  Justin and I really need to find someone in Green Bay... or take Aholi home with us.  

Max doesn't quite fit on Gemma's bed

Today was national Napping Day.  We thought fondly of Mimi.  National Margarita Day was a few weeks ago and we thought of, well, almost everyone we know!
Katherine is painting a mural on her wall.  She is inspiring me!

Stock market continues to tumble.  

South by Southwest has been cancelled

The Olympics are still in limbo.

The three “last white men standing” say they will continue on the campaign trail.  

Wash your hands!!!

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