Monday, March 16, 2020

Saturday, 15 February 2020: la Habana

Breakfast by Elena.  What a feast!

Connected to internet in our room,  We still had to pay 1 CUC per hour but we didn’t have to pay inflated restaurant prices on top.  Funny how this makes the spotty internet connections in Celestún seem not so bad at all.  

Later in the morning, we walked toward the malecon. With our lodging located in Plaza Viejo (the Old Plaza) walking everywhere is very convenient.  Our destination was only two blocks away; when we got there we decided we needed at work on our daytime drinking so we popped in to Dos Hermanos. Best mojito in Havana!

Step 1: start with Yerba buena; add white rum and sugar (or sugar cane juice)

Step 2: muddle

Step 3: add lime juice

Step 4: Add a splash of soda water

Step 5: Add ice and Enjoy!

Abraham sent a pic of Gemma and Max to let us know that everything is ok on the Homefront.

 Later, after a few beverages and some great music, we idled into the rum museum that is housed above the (original) Havana Club.  The building was enough. It was just magnificent and sang out to Cuba’s glorious hey-day.  Artwork adorned the walls of the inner courtyard.  There were even a few woodblock prints.

Back on track to the malecon.  In the scheme of things, it is an ok malecon.  The opposite side on the water is all industrial so it’s missing beautiful and inspiring views, but I guess that means it is time for another mojito.  We walked down the malecon toward a quite large artisan shopping opportunity.  We found some colibri made from bone that will make a great mobile when I get inspired to be crafty again.  I also scored a fabulous, huge bag.  Huge tooled leather.  I’m not really sure when I will use it but it is way cool!

Tonight, we chose the restaurant.  The food was better than a couple of other choices we’ve made lately and the music was great.  This will be our last night with Peter and Sandra as we will leave Havana tomorrow.  They will stay for one more day before returning to Celestun but we will head to points beyond.

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