Monday, March 16, 2020

Sunday, 23 February 2020: Casa Colibri

After one more delish breakfast prepared by Elana, we were in our taxi to the airport as it was time to go back to Merida.  We got there three hours ahead as recommended only to find the agents weren’t checking people in yet.  Justin got in line there while I got in the line for currency exchange.  You are not allowed to take Cuban CUC out of the country.  I waited in my line about 30 minutes when I learned that you needed to show your boarding pass to exchange your money.  Really?!?  Ok, back to be in line with Justin.  The guy in front of us in line was from Dallas and we had plenty of time to chat with him.

Our flight was uneventful and only a little bit late.  We hopped in an Uber to get back to Sandra’s to get our car, ran a few quick errands and then we were on our way home.  I was ready to see my Gemma.

So, yes, Paula Kay can make it for 12 days with only a carry on and a purse that weigh less than 10kg.  Yes, it can be done.

I made a huge salad for dinner.  Robin and Evan joined us.  We weren’t too impressed with the food in Cuba so I was ready for a nice big salad.  I was also ready to sleep in my own bed.  It’s great to be home!

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