Monday, March 16, 2020

Friday, 13 March 2020: Merida

Friday the 13th.  Teachers everywhere know that this special day also came with a full moon and no three-day weekends in sight.  
Well, actually, not teachers everywhere since schools are shut down all over the place. In DoDDS schools in Italy, the schools are closed but teachers still have to report to work.  That makes no sense.  And, since schools are closed, many teachers have to take their children with them to work.  That really makes no sense.  Is now a good time for me to be grateful that I am retired?  Oh yes!!!

Max’s surgery seems to have gone without a hitch.  Even though the anesthesiologist was running late and the surgery that was planned for 7:30pm didn’t get started until 9:11pm, we were able to pick Max up and take him back to our hotel.  We got back to Merida Garden Hotel at 11pm.  I told Patricia that earlier we had had a big dog and now we had a big, drunk dog.  He was pretty wobbly but doing fine.  We need to keep him restrained for four days or so and we need to give him meds for two weeks.  Of course, some of that will fall to Abraham since we are leaving.  Max will be a totally different dog when we get back in October.  

Back at our hotel post surgery

We were only able to do the neutering.  We were not able to do the gastopexia since Max's liver enzymes were off the chart and his platelets were low.  He's not anemic but the liver thing could be that he has ehrlichiosis, the disease almost all dogs in Mexico get from ticks, or it could be that he just ate some dead fish off the beach.  Either way, we will need to wait.  

Back to Merida today — I am tired of this drive.  We had an appointment at 10am to get the oil changed get the car serviced.  We are almost at 50,000 miles.  But first, we had to make a quick run to the ATM to get money for Evaristo.  We’ve decided to screen in the guest kitchen.  We needed to get 50% to him to buy materials even though he won’t start the work until October.  

After we dropped the car off at Kia, Justin called for an Uber to take us to immigrations.  We still don’t have Justin’s resident card.  Since we are driving, I think we could get out of the country but I also think we’d be facing too many questions when we want to return in the fall.  We didn’t have an appointment and we hadn’t received any notification from them but there we were on their doorstep.  Maybe about ten minutes later, Justin got his card!!!  Holy Moley Batman!!!  We just got our day back!!!

To celebrate, and just take a moment to breathe we went across the street and sat in a park for an hour or so.  OMG. Made a plan for closing down the house and driving home. Changed our plan due to corona virus
Walk to a restaurant arugula. Stopped at Biergarten. Has jagerschnitzel and flammekuchen
Walked to Isaac. Maybe next Friday???
Got our Uber to take us back to pick up the car .
One quick stop at Walmart and then we headed home.  Is this really the last trip to Merida?

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