Sunday, February 18, 2018

Wednesday, 31 January 2018: Celestun

Happy Birthday Justin!
We started our day (ok, it was pushing noon) with a leisurely walk down the beach and huevos rancheros at Peter's for brunch.  Peter and Grelty knew that today was a special day so our feast was followed by a delicious brownie surprise.  

We almost had to hurry home to meet with Aholi at 1:00pm.  That girl is a great massage tech!  The fact that she comes to our house each Wednesday is just icing on the (birthday?)cake!  Later in the afternoon Justin and I finished the jigsaw puzzle in the "salon" (as I am calling Maria's quarters) and then it was time to think about dinner.  Justin has had a hankering for pulpo en su tinto (octopus in its own ink)  but none of the restaurants in town have any right now.  He decided to settle for lobster thermidor at Los Pampanos for his birthday dinner.  I had stone crab.  Both of us were pleased with our choices.  Back at home, it was an early evening.  Justin had nice phone chats with both Michael and Erich.  Thanks to Kim and Brian serving as the delivery man, I was able to add to Justin's flashlight collection with a new tactical model.  We are set in the flashlight department.

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