Sunday, February 25, 2018

Friday, 9 February 2018: Celestun

Yadira made breakfast this morning. We had huevos tacos with homemade salsa, fresh fruit and drama. We couldn't find the top to the blender go she used the mojete for all the work. We also had fried hot dogs; I had forgotten that hotdogs were a "thing" here in Mexico. I don't understand it and I'll be happy to forget it again. She also made a papaya water drink. I made biscuits to round out our feast. 

Justin and I headed to talk to Peter before we all got back in the car to go to the lighthouse and salt flats in El Palmar. It is only 25km but crappy roads. As it turned out we only made it part of the way there before throwing in the towel and returning to Xixim for a walk along the beach and beverages before dinner and an early evening. 

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