Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sunday, 14 January 2018: Merida

MLK weekend...where shall we go?  How nice it is to be retired!!!  I still do a happy dance on most Friday's but this three day weekend rather snuck up on me.  Am I getting jaded?  I don't think so.
We went to Merida for the playoffs. What was intended to be a one-night stay turned into two nights.  Oh, this flexibility is fabulous.  We found a great little hotel very near the zocolo in Merida, The Reforma Hotel.  The 18th century colonial style building is fabulous!  The fact that breakfast is included, parking is included and that they are pet friendly sealed the deal for us.  

An afternoon al fresco snack at The GranHotel set us up for more time to explore 
 We happened across an evening concert at the Central Cathedral in the zocolo.  The duo might have been from Morrocco or some equally ethnic locale.  The setting was fabulous and live music always fits the bill.

Dessert at Amaro was the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Sunday morning meant we headed to the Plaza Grande for Merida en Domingo.  The shops were all set up as were bands.  I picked up another little Mexican top (I am a sucker for little white tops and these Mexican ones are just too appealing!) while Justin checked out the bands of the day.

On Sunday evening we went to La Negrita Cantina.  The food wasn't much to write home about but the Mojitos and music were great and watching the dancing was inspirational.  It just made you want to get up and join in.  We need to get to salsa classes!


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