Sunday, February 18, 2018

Saturday, 27 January 2018: Casa Maria

Justin has hosted a party on the last Saturday in January for most of probably the last thirty years.  We did it this year too.  We had invited about twenty people and 15 showed up... pretty good for being so new in town.  I made Aaron Sanchez' Chili Verde (with a few modifications) and of course, chocolate chip cookies. What else does a girl from Texas serve with chili?

It has rained a good bit the last several days and we've lowered the canvases to block out water.  Kim and I have tried to squeegee the terrace but Abraham has done the bulk of the work.  He worked diligently on the interior garden and it looked fabulous before our guest arrived.  I was pretty shot by the end of the evening but a good time was certainly had by all.

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