Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, 12 February 2018: Merida

On the road to Merida to meet with Alanso. We didn't have an appointment so we were prepared to have to wait if necessary. After a short hour wait and talking to Alanso for just a moment we learned that he'd been told we had a problem with the money. WTF! I can see how Bijan didn't get a "clear confirmation" from us but how did he get a question of finances? Anyway, Alanso felt stuck in the middle and we were frustrated, disappointed, disgruntled and close to pissed. We figured it was a 90% chance that the deal could still go if it were up to Alanso but still at 50/50 on whether if not Bijan would do the ethical thing. We were first and it was, after all, he who made the offer to us! Alanso assured us he'd contact Bijan... now we wait. 

We checked in at Hotel Zar. I found it interesting that the paperwork I had to sign for Gemma prohibited me from leaving her in the room by herself. What good is that? If it is too hot to leave her in the car, I need to be able to leave her in the hotel. (I am shaking my head.)

Risking it all, we left Gemma in the hotel to meet Tom at La Negrita.  We do quite like this (not so) little cantina.  The group was a Parisian Swing a la Django Rhienheart. We looked for this music all over France and we found it in Merida! And we certainly found great mojitos that are served in huge Mason jars.  Might I have another, please?

Later, on to La Chaya Maya for dinner. The key here is to go to the Centro location rather than the Casona location. Even though Casona is like an old hacienda and Centro is a basic storefront, I'd certainly recommend better food and better service. Our entire experience was excellent (except for guacamole -- too much mayonnaise or a similar extended). How can you mess up guacamole?

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