Sunday, February 18, 2018

Thursday, 25 January 2018: Celestun

 Everyone felt great today and the weather was cooperating so we headed to the entrance to Ria Celestun.  A trip to the mangroves and to see the flamingoes was in store.  Kim and I went into a mangrove when we were in Singapore/Malaysia several years ago.  We got caught in a downpour.  The weather promises to cooperate better today. 
The birds here are plentiful.  I don't know much about birds at all but I am told we saw  pigmy kingfishers today.  Guess I'll need to do some homework.  We also saw a white heron with a fish in it mouth (note the photo), a tiger heron and even a crocodile.  Justin swimming in the cenote was photo worthy too.

After we returned to town and set about the business of the day on shore, Kim commented that she thought she'd find success opening a motorcycle muffler shop here in Celestun.

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