Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, 19 February 2018: Celestun

Presidents Day weekend  -- oh, how I love three day weekends!

Justin and Ric went on a canoe/poling trip in the mangroves this morning while I baked apple strudel bread and invited Carol over for coffee. 

We received a note from Bijan indicating we could stay. We said thanks and that we'd leave on 2 March by 8am. I am so done. Now that we have a date, I am thinking of "lasts". Last weekend was probably our last trip to Merida. Justin and I will probably go with Ric to see flamingoes one last time. I made cinnamon chicken for dinner tonight to start working out way through the frig and freezer. Aholi was here for massages today and this was her last time. She is going to Acapulco to see her mother and will not be back until after 2 March. Oh my goodness I'll miss her. Both Justin and I asked her to come back to the states with us!

We got Ric settled at the Hotel Gutierez. We are not going to have him here in the middle of this saga. Ric said he wasn't comfortable walking back to town in the dark so we got Jonathan to take him back to town after dinner. We've got lots of provisions to work our way through. 

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