Saturday, February 3, 2018

Wednesday, 10 January 2018: celestun

We went to Merida yesterday.  Our runs to Home Depot have slowed down a bit but now we are exploring the local hardware stores.  As it is to be expected, we are easily distracted by all the local sights, sounds, shops, restaurants, etc.  We want to see it all!  We are getting better at getting home before dark.  The last 30 miles or so of that little road is just too narrow for night time driving.  Carol came over for coffee this morning.  Her visit was not planned and not expected but that didn't mean not welcome.  Massages in the afternoon and then to Carol's for sunset and wine.  Her daughter and family just left but her sister-in-law and partner are here for about four more weeks.  Dinner at Nichte-ha...great fish tacos.
Justin, Deb, Carol and Lyndsey on Carol's front
porch for happy hour and sunset

Another magnificent sunset

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