Monday, February 26, 2018

Saturday, 17 February 2018: Celestun

Breakfast at home of salmon, cream cheese, capers and onions. It was a slow day for all of us.  Justin wrote to Steve to share our business plan. Ric over-extended on a trip to the beach. The wind and waves were up and he wasn't used to the currents.  That was pretty scary for him.  
Chili verde for last night dinner as we began to work our way through the freezer.  

While we were waiting at the airport to pick up Ric, we received a message from Bijan indicating he no longer wanted us to be at Casa Maria. WTF!  Thinking that the timing couldn't have been worse, we didn't share this info with Ric right away.  (We had invited John and Mary Leinard for spring break.  They had already told us they wouldn't be able to visit but I'd also extended and invitation to Steve Ellis who is in Puerta Vallarte right now.  Steve's visit was pretty much planned; how do I get that Genie back in the bottle?)  We contacted Steve O'Malley to see if he knew what was driving this pronouncement -- he indicated he did not. He did however chime in that "it is his prerogative."  That statement sent off an alarm for me and I tried to ignore it.  We then asked Bijan for clarification on why he needed us to leave. We were in no way going to hinder the close. No response yet meant that we were still sitting on pins and needles.  Enough of this!

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