Saturday, February 10, 2018

Tuesday, 23 January 2018: Yucatan

Brian was a bit under the weather today so we postponed our plans to go to the river and see flamingoes.  Instead, with new license plates firmly affixed to our car, Kim and I headed to Merida.  When we were in town over the weekend, Kim found some pottery that we both liked.  The vendor told Kim the mugs were 100 pesos.  Unfortunately we had no room in the car but both Kim and I marked our calendar to come back later in the week.  Today was the day!  When we got to Casa Azul we learned that the mugs were 650 pesos each!  We were so disappointed. Aargh!  Kim did find three ceramic iguanas and we had a great lunch before heading to Sam's (Justin and I are now members) and then to the grocery store.  Most of the goods that were on the list are for the party we are hosting on Saturday night.  Justin has had a party on the last Saturday of January for years.  I call it his "not birthday party."  We've invited a few expats as well as a few locals and we'll see who shows up.  I am going to make chili verde and chocolate chip cookies -- in true Texan style.  

It was past time to go to salsa class by the time we got back to Celestun but thankfully Brian was feeling a bit better.  Justin, Kim and I headed to Nicte-ha for dinner and brought a quesadilla home for Brian.  We all headed to bed in hopes that he'll be better tomorrow.

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