Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wednesday, 8 December 2021: Casa Colibri

 The electricity went off last night maybe around midnight.  It was hard to get up this morning knowing there was no freshly brewed coffee waiting for me.  I stumbled through what I referred to as "cowboy coffee".  Justin passed.  I really do need to buy a French press.

Peter told us he was without electricity for 36 hours in the middle of last week.    Such an inconvenience.  We are spoiled, yes, but what about that hot water?


I finally cleaned and treated the granite in both kitchens.  That chore had been weighing heavily on me so today I finally did it.  I also hooked up a bell by our gate.  The doorbell rings inside the commons.  Goodness knows our dogs dont bark when someone comes.  Let a dog go by and they go nuts, but people came saunter on in with little much for guard dogs.  

Justin and I went for a late afternoon swim.  Yes, it’s December and we are still swimming.  

Risotto for dinner.  It was simply delicious.  Bacon, fresh mushrooms and leeks.  Delish!!!

To top off the day, the DHL guy actually came to our house.  I’d heard that Amazon delivered and even though I didn’t really believe it, I tried.  I ordered 12 liters of distilled water and it came!  We’d looked all over town with no success.  I’d even asked Abraham and he asked Fedalia and Mario...they own a farmacia. !  But now we got it from Amazon.  Delivered to our door!   Jeff Bezos came through for us!

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