Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tuesday, 7 December 2021: Casa Colibri.

 A week or so ago Ric told me I'd received mail from the treasury dept of Wisconsin.  He said it was regarding an audit.  Audit!!!  I asked him to scan and send it to me and that took four days.  Four days!  Next time I'll just ask him to take a photo.  When I finally did get the notification, I saw that the matter was related to me getting Wisconsin plates for the Niro.  But AUDIT nonetheless.  Seems I had put down that I paid $0 for the vehicle.  I didnt see a place to indicate on the form that I hadnt purchased the vehicle, I was only getting new plates.  Well, that raised eyebrows and led to an AUDIT!  It is rather a scary word, don't you agree?    So, I sent an email to the contact and explained my application and my circumstances.  Less than 24 hours later I received this response..."  Good morning Paula thank you for responding to the vehicle audit letter you received. The information provided has allowed us to close the audit case, no additional information is required. Thanks and have a great day."  Now, how cool was that...issue resolved.     

Evaristo came today to finish handrails on the stairs to the roof, the bodega door, and the surround and door for the outside shower.  Justin likes to take his shower out there when he gets back from the beach.  Now he won't frighten the neighbors...or Abraham.  The best part of Evaristo's trip was that he took our old, broken generator back to his guy in Hunucma.  He repaired the generator for about $150.  We were prepared to just give it away and now we have a functioning generator!  A new one would have cost at least $2000.  Score!

Today was Erich’s birthday. He's on a trip to Arizona.  I sure do hope he and Jordan come to visit.  They've tentatively planned their trip so they'd be here for their dad's birthday.  That would be grand -- for all of us!

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