Sunday, January 23, 2022

Tuesday, 4 January 2022: Casa Colibri

Today would have been my dads birthday.  Although I do recognize that this is the day, I don’t have much more to say on that front.

So...years and years ago I started baking oatmeal, or at least Steel cut oats.  They take too long to prepare each morning so I’d bake some on the weekend at then take to work to eat at my desk.  I know, not a healthy habit, but one of necessity.  Then I learned to bake a roux.  Cajun cooks seemed to have mixed reviews on this approach but the result was almost foolproof.  During the pandemic I learned to bake risotto.  Again, mixed reviews, but good results.  As I am writing this, in the oven is my first attempt at baked polenta.  Italian mothers around the world are poo-pooing and grimacing.  I’ll let you know of the result, but so far, it is promising.  

When complete, the polenta will be part of the cabbage, polenta and blue cheese dish we enjoy from time to time.  It’s a labor of love and well worth the effort.  

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