Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sunday, 12 December 2021: Celestun

Today is Virgin de Guadalupe day in Mexico. It marks an appearance of the Virgin Mary to a young indigenous man on December 12th 1531 near Mexico City.  And thus began Christianity as we know it is Mexico.  Today, tens of thousands of people make their pilgrimage to Mexico City  (many on their knees) while locals celebrate by bringing flowers, performing dances and songs at their local churches. 

We learned from Rudolpho that many refer to this time between today and Ephiphany as a “marathon”.  Lot of Christmas and New Years' parties and places to be and celebrations.  

We went to visit Katherine at her hacienda.  I was fascinated with the techniques for some of the restoration work.  Goodness knows she's got a mountain of work in front of her.   

Next stop for us was MIDO to look at granite.  There warehouse was huge!  Quite a bit different from Isacc's where we've gotten our granite previously.  We saw some awesome stone.  We will see...

Earlier this week we celebrated Robert's birthday.  goodness he's getting tall.  

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