Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Friday, 24 December 2021: Tetiz and Merida

We took Abraham to Tetiz where he will spend Christmas with his family as we were headed to Merida.  Yes, even on Christmas because the Packers play tomorrow!  We stopped first to meet Monica in her studio.  Justin found her on Facebook.  We quite liked some of her work we saw on line and wanted to meet her personally.  In chatting with her, we knew we wanted to invite her to our home for murals.  Now, just to decide what and where???

We got finished with that errand in time to go, at Katherine's suggestion, to Hacienda Teya.  During the 1600's Hacienda San Ildefonso Teya  was one of the largest and most profitable cattle ranches in Yucatán. It was converted to agriculture and during the nineteenth century was part of the henequen boom.  Today it is a wedding/event venue mostly.  The grounds were exquisite; the food was so, so.  Yes, I was disappointed but it was a nice celebration.

Then on to Merida for check in at our hotel.  Time to get ready for football tomorrow.  

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