Sunday, January 23, 2022

Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022: Casa Colibri


Justin and I are hosting our own “Artist-in-Residence” program.  Artist Monica Petrus is here today to paint at least one mural in our commons.  Monica is from California but she lives in Merida now.  Justin found her on the Internet.  After visiting her in her studio to learn that we really liked her work, we invited her here.  In addition to painting, one of Monica’s passions is restoring haciendas.  She’s even been on House Hunters International!  How weird is it that Justin and I know three sets of people who’ve found their way to that format — Xavier and Nicole from Kaiserslautern, Rob and Rob, also from K-town and now Monica.  Her hacienda is in Hocoba, about forty-five minutes east of Merida. 

Part of the arrangement with Monica is that she spends the night and we provide meals.  Anyone who knows e knows that I am fine with that.  Tonight we had cinnamon chicken.  I hadn’t made that in a while and I’ll want it again soon.  We invited Abraham to join us and later, Jonathan and his girlfriend, Nelly, joined us too.  It was a pleasant, social evening.  



Justin talked to Ric this morning.  It was -5 degrees yesterday morning in Green Bay.  Can I tell you how glad I am that we are not there?



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