Monday, February 11, 2019

Sunday, 6 January 2018: Casa Colibri

Today was Rebecca’s birthday.  She came over to start her celebration with Abraham and a special meal of fish soup.  It was very simple but delicious.  

We went into town to go to Peter’s for second breakfast. This will be his last day after a marathon couple of weeks for him as he has been open every day.  We got home to a rather quiet house. 
Som’s team has been here for the last few days ripping up the tile in the guest kitchen and getting us ready for granite installation. He is also evening out the space above the sinks in the bathrooms so we can install mirrors. Ivan came by to weigh in on the lights above the sinks. We still haven’t found anything we like for lights above the beds.

Football playoffs; Chicago lost.

Tim came over to visit, ostensibly to see the pigs.  Lots of drama.    Is this our Peyton Place?

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