Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Friday, 4 January 2019: Hacienda San Jose Pachul

What's that pounding?  That's the sound of the tile countertops being removed in preparation for granite. 
The amount of dust created is incredible.

Early yesterday afternoon we left Gemma in Abraham’s trusty hands and headed to Hacienda San Jose Pachul.  Only about a 40 minute drive from Casa Colibri but the act made both Justin and I feel as if we were on the road again.  We were headed somewhere new, but without Gemma.  We had no time constraints and the temp gauge was at 94'.  We took the turn off the main road at marker 21 as directed and entered another time.
Hacienda San Jose Pachul dates back to the mid 19th century when it was part of a hennequen plantation. The hennequen plants were transformed into sisal rope.  With the invention of synthetic fibers for ropes near the beginning of the 20th century, the hennequen industry collapsed. In the 1980’s the property was briefly turned into a cattle ranch. That venture, too, was abandoned. In 2006, the property was purchased by its present owners, Richard and Jose.  Jose is a trained chef from Mexico City and Richard was an art/antiques dealer.  Most recently from Canada, these guys have turned the hacienda into a phenomenal show-piece. We went in the early afternoon so we'd have time for signature sour-orange margaritas before a four-course dinner and spending the night in one of the only two rooms.  We were the only guest so we did have the entire premises to ourselves.  Richard and Jose expertly walked the tightrope of being attentive and invisible while seeing to our every wish.  

Jose in his kitchen
After a delicious soup and salad, our entre of Chile Nogada was simply mouthwatering -- and inspiring  (I looked up recipes the following day). Richard and Jose were kind enough to show interest in our project as they told a few stories of their own when we asked them to join us at dessert  They popped open a celebratory bottle of champagne when they sat down as they knew we were celebrating our anniversary.  They took me on a tour of their kitchen and pantry and I just oogled and ogled over their special spaces.  

Breakfast this morning was just as spectacular as dinner the night before

All in all, our celebration was simply … Fabulous!!!

After we left The Hacienda we went into Merida with the major intent of looking for our stove.  We found the one at Liverpool and it will be delivered in late January.  We went to Costco looking specifically for the table we'd seen before to use as an island in the kitchen,  instead we found a tv table.  

Back at home after a fabulous getaway I spoke with Stephanie.  Jason is engaged and fiancé, Sarah is expecting.  Daughter Sarah is in Cuba.  All are doing well thankfully.  

All the tile was chipped up on the countertops in the guest kitchen.  I never knew what a mess tile work was.  Dust was two inches thick on everything!

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