Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tuesday, 1 January 2019: Casa Maria

Our life in CelestĂșn and the tropics is phenomenal. When I think about the temps in Green Bay or in Kaiserslautern or even in Georgetown I just shutter. Weather here has been perfect--mid-to-hi-80's days, hi-60's to mid 70's nights. And if the weather is perfect, our house is on its way to that state. Work continues on our apartment and rooms, and we have a designer coming in to help with our main kitchen re-do.  Abraham has the gardens looking great with only occasional help and direction from Justin. We (actually Justin -- I got the placeholder website going but he did the lion's share on this one) got our website up yesterday. ( We haven’t really decided how wholeheartedly we will pursue paying guests. We got the place for little enough that we can easily justify not working the business aspect at all, but it would be nice if it paid its own expenses. 

Most importantly--Justin and I celebrated our fifth anniversary yesterday. We’ve been celebrating since June to mark the day when we met. Who’d of ever thunk it. We’ve had lots of experiences in such a short amount of time. Wonder what’s in store next?  We were in Paris for our first anniversary, with friends Xavier and Nicole in Kaiserslautern for our second, in South Padre Island for our third and we’ve been here in CelestĂșn for the last two. Next year???

We went to three parties last night. We started out the evening at Robbie’s for cocktails and then headed down the beach to Jeremy and Allison’s where he had roasted a pig. Our third stop was for dinner and midnight celebrations at Sandra and Peter’s.   We totally ran out of steam before the big celebration in the village, which we hear tends to go from around midnight until 5 AM.    

I don’t necessarily make resolutions any more.  I do pray — probably more now than in past years. Maybe I am just more aware of the political turmoil and I worry about the future of our planet. Certainly I am grateful as my life is full of abundance. 2019. Lets live to the fullest laugh more, love with abandon... and be amazed!

Justin walkin' the dawgs on New Year's Day

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