Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Saturday, 29 December 2018: Celestun

We started our day off with Roger and Chris at Peter’s.  They are delightful and upbeat.  They shared information about workers and places to go.  They especially sang the praises of the Pimsler on-line language program.  Apparently that is one the American military uses.  I’ve got to get back to learning Spanish.  Peter has been open every single day for two weeks straight and it must be taking its toll.  We heard that last week on Thursday, when we were there for Carole’s birthday, they set a record serving 85 breakfasts.  When he started, Peter planned if he served 15 each day, he’d make it with his restaurant.  I’d say he met his goal.  

Jorge stopped by for a beverage also.  Actually, he came by to 
get his dog Congo who likes to visit at our house.  Congo
knows how to get inside our yard but he forgets how to get out.
We putzed around the house and had a rather lazy day before we headed to Jeremy and Allison’s about 4pm.  I had never been inside their home and I wanted to see what they are doing for kitchen cabinets and for closets.  They are building an outside staircase and their house is like a war zone.  The construction is really messy and today, they were also in the middle of a plumbing crisis.  Tim and Janet were there too. I’d never met these two but Justin had.  Tim was helping Jeremy to dig the pit where they will roast a pig for New Years. As would be expected there was a lot more beer drinking that digging going on.  At least that was what was going on until Jeremy drove the shovel into his foot rather than into the sand.  Oh my!  Tim and Janet are quite the drinkers. They live here year round.  They sold everything when they left Tennessee a year and a half ago.  They’d never been to our house so as it got to be time for dinner, they came here for a drink before we all headed to El Palmar for still more beverages … oh and dinner too.  All in all, I was ready to call it a day.

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