Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Monday, 21 January 2019: Merida

Taking down the cable above the sink was 
step one of getting ready to paint

We broke down the main kitchen.  The guest kitchen will need to be the first thing painted on Tuesday with the granite countertops being installed on Wednesday and Thursday.  
But I need to cook.  We have 50 people showing up on Saturday  -- somehow it will all work out.  

Off to Merida to buy paint then to Boston’s to watch the playoffs.  I was pulling for the Saints.  The last time they were in the Super Bowl, and won, was right after Katrina.  Even going in to OT they weren’t able to make the magic happen. Then came the Patriots against Kansas City Chiefs.  More OT and again, my team didn’t make it.  I’d pull for almost anyone except the Patriots just cause I am tired of them winning.  I doubt we will even go into town for the Super Bowl.

Sunday evening we were back at the Hotel Zar, the same place we stayed the first time we came to Merida.  It is not in the centro and was ideally located for our stops this trip. Monday morning we were up and back at Home Depot, Sam's and a couple of hardware stores with the goal of getting out of town early.  Time was eaten up and somewhere hunger took over. We found a fabulous little restaurant, La Cueva de la Cherna, Calle 69 y Calle 42. We probably wouldn’t have stopped if we’d known it was a seafood restaurant;  it was yummy.  We ordered guacamole and we also got complementary botanas of a soupa de marisco, beans, beets and a ratatouille.  The chips were good and the salsa was lethal.  Justin ordered a shrimp pasta and I had a house specialty of a seafood-stuffed chili relleno taco.  Way too much to eat but oh, so good.

We made it home just in time to enjoy yet another glorious sunset.  It took us another hour to unpack the car before we could really get to looking around the house to see what had been accomplished while we were gone.  Still no water...aargh!  

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