Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Monday, 28 January 2019: Merida

We had quite the storm on Sunday morning.  We sat out on the veranda and watched the storm blow in … for a little but.  The temperature dropped significantly and the winds were strong enough to blow down an electrical power line; Celestun was set to be without electricity for three days.  We'd been without water from the city but we were fine since we could get water delivered by the bomberos.  But now, water isn't the problem because you can't flush when you don't have electricity.  What made this worse was that I was on my way to Merida to pick up Dellene and Steve.  What a welcome!  

Dellene's flight got in first and she and I had time to run a few errands and have lunch in the centro at Amaro before going back to the airport to meet Steve's flight.  I was prepared for all of us to spend the night in Merida and explore and play for a day or two rather than head back to our house and our village that was in darkness.  I had packed the tiniest of over-night bags because I knew Dellene and Steve's luggage would fill our car.  Dellene had one medium to large piece of luggage with her clothes and treasures and one huge bag with stuff for me.  I'd built an Amazon shopping list over the past month or so and had everything shipped to her house.  Three toilet seats, a four-slice toaster, a turkey baster, bird decals and a razor blade scraper, decorations for Aholi's shower, a tea ball and a pair of shoes were among my new goodies.  Meanwhile, Steve had a large suitcase, a medium-to-large carry on filled with fishing tackle and a bag with golf clubs.  Yes, the car was full.  Thankfully Justin called to let me know power had been restored so we were able to head back to the beach.

It was SO, SO nice to have Dellene here.  And Steve here too was just an added bonus.  

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