Monday, February 11, 2019

Wednesday, 16 January, 2019: Merida - Houston - Merida

We relied on Uber to take both Mimi and me to the airport.  Yes, me too.  Mimi was flying to Atlanta through Mexico City and I was flying to Houston. 

Back in the summer, we'd started the process for both Justin and I to become residents of Mexico.  We started out wanting to be temporary residents and somewhere along the line that changed to permanent residents.  That was not a good plan.  So, since the car is in my name and the bank account is in Justin's name, we decided that I would abandon my residency process.  That meant I needed to leave the country and come back in as a tourist. I wanted a direct flight -- I did not want to go through Mexico City.  I didn't care what my destination was as long as it was in the US and I could come back on the same day.  It was an added bonus that I could use miles.  Hence, the trip to Houston.  

My boarding pass from Merida to Houston
marked so one and all would know to ask questions.

I got back to Merida about 8pm and Justin and Gemma were waiting for me.

We made a quick stop at La Negrita to get things lined up with Jesus.  He and two others will perform at our party on the 26th.  He has quite a story.  He’s played at Radio City Music Hall and numerous other prestigious venues throughout the US.  His father was one of the original members of the Buena Vista Social Club!  Wow!

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