Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Friday, 1 February 2019: Uxmal

Dellene, Steve and I set out for Uxmal.  JUstin and I went last year but I was eager to be the tour guide and go again.  I wonder how many of the exact same pictures I took last year.    Founded around 700 AD, the ancient Mayan city, even in ruins, is simply majestic.  Dellene and I have talked for years about "A and B moments" -- times when our mothers, Ann and Beverly, are smiling knowing that their daughters are carrying on the tradition of friendship and "sisterhood".  Today, it was a mega A and B moment since Steve was with us and we were visiting a museum.  Mother and Beverly would drag all of us, even kicking and screaming, to museums, to plays, to zoos, to the library, historical homes tours -- anything even remotely cultural so that we could be exposed and knowledgeable.  Funny how now we can't wait to go again.  

Of course we visited the Chocolate factory that is next door before falling into a great road-side restaurant Steve had eyed on the drive into town.  We were tired, hot and hungry and our meal was delish!

After the hour or so drive back to Celestun, we found that Justin was one with his chain saw chopping down trees and working in our yard.
I’d asked Abraham to contact Liverpool about our stove that was supposed to have been delivered the day Dellene and Steve arrived.  Since I hadn't heard anything I knew I should follow-up.  They said they’d contact us next week for a delivery date. 

The water came back on. We've been without city water for the better part of three weeks!!!  We had water delivered from the bomberos twice. Now I can wash clothes again. 
Dinner at El Lobo and then chocolate shakes!  Yummy!

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