Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sunday, 23 September 2018: Green Bay

Packers played in Washington and it wasn’t pretty.  The new rules in the NFL certainly are changing the look of the game.  The chatter about having the quarterback wear a different colored jersey and flags seems way too real.

We headed to Jordan and Kris’ to celebrate Jonas’ birthday.  They had the kids party yesterday away from the house so today was only adults.  Since their house is under construction, this was a very wise decision.  The boys were interacting and playing in their typical patterns until Jonas tried to bite Caleb’s ear and got sent to time out.  Guess he is trying on the antics of Mike Tyson.  Legos are still the toy of choice for this age group. 

It was great to finally meet Marie (she was a foreign exchange student with Jordan in high school).  She returns to the states every year and stays with her host family.  Sam was also in town; his father is suffering from pancreatic cancer.  Sam, who went to high school with Jordan and Marie and now lives in Portland, visited us in Germany.  He’s been offered a job at St. Norbert’s University.  Jordan is really pushing for him to be closer to Green Bay.  

We took the long way home driving through neighborhoods and little towns and we even stopped to get ice cream.  We had to redeem something from the day.

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