Thursday, October 4, 2018

Monday, 24 Sept 2018: Fond du Lac

We drove about two hours to Fond du Lac this morning to attend a shareholders meeting.  It was the first time either of us had been to a shareholders meeting and while I imagine that it was very different from, say AT&T, it was interesting.  We wanted to take the long, pretty drive home but we needed to hurry back to meet Chris, the refrigerator repair guy.  Thankfully, and with Chris’ coaching, the manufacturer will pay for both parts and labor.  I had called previously and they had agreed to parts compensation but with info from Chris, I called again and talked about design flaws and potential of fire when combining electricity and water. It helped my argument when I pointed out that if we considered the time the frig was unplugged when we were in Mexico, the failure would have occurred during the original warranty period.  They agreed to a one-time payment of all fees and yes, this time I’ll be purchasing the extended warranty.  

Our planter boxes and large pots looked just spectacular this year!  The plants are annuals so, yes, we'll need to start from scratch next spring but they are so worth it!  The leaves are changing  and we’ve started turning on the heat a bit at night and in the mornings.  I’ve started picking up all the yard toys and getting ready to pack them away.  Justin continues his work with the spray foam insulation under the house. I will be happy when he is finished and I’ll bet he will be even happier.

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