Saturday, October 27, 2018

Monday, 1 October 2018: Milwaukee

We woke up this morning to a message from Bijan informing us that the money had arrived!  Guess it really is official -- we own a hotel in Mexico.  The first time we sent money in March, it took four or five days.  This time it barely took one business day.  Justin had commented how we could get all kinds of merchandise delivered through Amazon Prime within 24 hours but to wire transfer money was like taking a step back in time.  Thankfully, we were pleasantly surprised.

We had an appointment at 3:30pm at the Mexican consulate in Milwaukee for our interview for our permanent resident visas.  Of course we putzed around the house too long and we wanted to stop at Eddie Bauer to look for a new raincoat for Justin at the outlet mall in Oshkosh.  That meant Justin was driving like a bat out of hell in the rain too much of the way to Milwaukee.  In typical Mexican fashion, we still had to wait about thirty minutes.  

Unfortunately we didn’t have all the paperwork we needed.  In addition to proof of benefits from Social Security, Wisconsin Retirement, OPM, TSP, copies of passports, photos, ... everything short of parents’ birth certificates, they said they needed copies of bank statements for the last twelve months.  I gave them that from both NFCU and from CCU.  Then they said that since our appointment was in October, we must provide the statement from September.  The statement from NFCU comes out on about the 23rd of the month, but the statement from CCU comes out at the END of the month.  I called two different people from Capital and they both assured me the statement would be ready by Monday mid-afternoon.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t.  My paperwork was fine but Justin wasn’t able to finish the process.  They had the upper hand and we were at their mercy.  We thought about stopping back in Milwaukee on the 17th when we head south.  We also considered going to the offices in Houston when we are there.  Instead, we spent the night with Erich and Holly and the kids.  No extra clothes, no meds or CPAP machine, no nothing.  Erich did hook us up with toothbrushes and Gemma had some of my leftover chicken.  Holly asked if I was going to go ahead and go to Mexico without Justin. No, not even.

Dinner at Hale House with Erich and the kids

Captain Grandpa has a whole lap full of love!

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