Thursday, February 8, 2024

Saturday, 21 October 2023: on the road headed south

There’s a frost warning in Green Bay so it’s really, really time to go. We’d planned to leave on the 17th but we were OBE (overcome by events). 

We bought a new car: a 2022 Hyundai Tucson.  It’s got all the bells and whistles and we love it.  Lots more space than our Kia and it’s a Plug in Hybrid.  Justin is so, so green and this suits him just fine.  It is a sweet ride.  Justin had spent the last few weeks absolutely immersed in cars and shopping and deciding what to buy.  I went to Sheboygan by myself to sign papers on Friday the 13th.  Let’s hope that wasn’t a sign of things to come.  

Additionally, we spent the last few days just scrambling not only at our house and in the yard but also in Brussels.  We got movers to help with the Shoji doors, the frig and the range, and some wood.  Wood?  Yep, taking down the the framing from the Shoji doors lead to removing base boards throughout and then… that lead to taking down the walls in the front room and under the bar.  This was the wood from a fence at windjammers sailing club.  We reclaimed the wood and reworked in with Jason several years ago.  It made Justin sick to know we had to leave the granite so he was set to save  the wood.  There was no electricity so we had to work quickly and with only hand tools.  

We were in a bit of a pattern taking down the wooden walls when I hit my head.  I don’t think I’d ever seen that much of my own blood.  I sat down in our brand new car and got blood everywhere.  We pressed until it was too dark and then headed back to Green Bay.  Once Justin really looked at my head, he calmly suggested we go to the ER where they placed two staples in my head.  Never had staples before.  That was a first for me.  

Another acronym and a fond memory of Denise Leach — PCS meals.  No, we are not PCSing, but I’ve done an incredible job of eating down the inventory from our frig and freezer.  We turn off the frig and leave only the freezer running when we head south.  Yes, I’ve done an incredible job and our meals have hardly been hardships.  Guess when you start with plenty of options, you can end up with good combinations.  

Abraham's frig died so we bought a new one and arranged for delivery.
Does the old one go to heaven or can we get it repaired?

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