Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday, 26 October 2023: Austin at Dellene’s

Dr. Casemedes’ office at 8am.  Justin has a bump on his tongue so a stop at the oral surgeon /maxillofacial surgeon was in order.  After visits yesterday to urgent care and primary care we finally got a referral from an ER doc.  He faxed Justin’s paperwork and encouraged us to show up and wait.  He even said stomp your foot if necessary. Typically Justin and I don’t need too much encouragement in that department.  Thankfully, they said they see him at 10am.  

Dr Nolan Jenkins said not to worry; the bump is 3.5mm and we should watch it.  Got to love the “tincture of time.”

Dellene drove Mike to the airport quite early this morning. Their alarm didn’t go off but they still made it to the airport in time for Mike to catch his flight to Cancun.   

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