Thursday, February 8, 2024

Sunday, 5 November 2023: McAllen, Texas

Daylight savings time ended last night.  Mexico doesn’t ever go to DST so now there is no difference.  

Sunday finds us in McAllen, Texas. Justin’s parents used to spend winters in McAllen so Justin is enjoying seeing the locale through that lens.  The car saga continues…life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans…thank you John Lennon.

Since it is the weekend, we didn’t feel one bit guilty about taking time to watch the Packers win against the LAChargers.  It wasn’t a pretty win but a win nonetheless.  And, after all, what is a weekend?  Bar food in Texas does differ a bit from bar food in Wisconsin.  I didn't see cheese curds on the menu but I did enjoy chicken and waffles!  

Adam, the regional manager from VanHorn in Sheboygan has agreed to give us a full 100% refund for our car as well as cover our hotel and meals.  It’s a super generous offer.  We still need to hurry as we truly want to be in Mexico and not just hanging out at the border.  We drove from Laredo to Mission to learn the car we wanted to see had been sold 10 minutes before we got there.  What!  That is poor form and a ding for the entire automotive industry.  Now, we are working with Teo at Pharr Toyota.  We will meet with his GM and comptroller in the morning.  For tonight, we are back at the Motel 6 in McAllen.  We’ve been staying in Motel 6s throughout this episode and it warrants mentioning, we’ve been pleased with these rooms.  Vinyl plank flooring, refrigerator and microwave, not spacious but certainly adequate.  We are taking a long time but we are taking care of Adam’s money.  And, I must also give a shout out to south Texas.  This extended, unplanned stay has given me reason to rethink south Texas.  Laredo, McAllen and environs have been very pleasant and I’ve not been intimidated.  Our next stop is Corpus Christi and that is not at the border by any means.  My next challenge is that I’ll need to consider where we cross the border given that we are this far east and this much closer to Brownsville.

We did take time for a nice hike along a river bed.  Something to shake the stink off of the car mess.  


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