Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday, 30 November 2023: Ciudad del Carmen

Pineapple from a roadside vendor.  Best.  Pineapple. Ever. 

New puppy?  Justin was enamored with a puppy we saw at the pineapple stand.    If we were on our last day, maybe.  But leaving a new puppy in the car overnight?  Asking Gemma to share her new car with a street hound?  No, too many ways for that to go south.  

But the sun was shining.  We stopped for shrimp from a street vendor.  We’d looked at these shrimp for years, so today, we finally stopped.  Our car turned 15,000 miles.  Time to dig out summer shoes for Paula and a summer shirt for Justin. It was 84’ when we pulled into Ciudad del Carmen.   We had plenty of time for drinks, guac and tamales around sunset on the water.  We were at the beach!  

We watched part of the Seattle/Dallas game in our hotel, Hotel Hacienda Real.

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