Thursday, February 8, 2024

Friday, 22 December 2023: Casa Colibri

Today is Lorayne’s birthday so we had a nice chat.  I am so lucky to have her in my life!

This has been a month filled with puppies.  We settled on Sox and Cesa as names for these bundles of smiles.  Cleaning the floors each morning is a chore but they are getting better.  Laura has started their series of vaccinations and we can’t take them out much but we have taken them to the beach twice.  We want them to get used to the water.  

The end of this month finds me baking Christmas cookies. Abraham, Neli and Jona, Aholi, Hugo and Mayra, Peter and Kari — mostly the good people who help us throughout the year.  Of course, there are too many for Justin and me too.  I also tried a new recipe for cranberry bread to share with Sandra and her family.  

Dellene has a new grand baby — Emerson can’t come home from the hospital yet but Dellene ordered her stocking so Santa will know where to find her no matter what.  

Rudolfo with Justin and me at Boston's for football.    All of us smiling for the win!  

Who is spolied?

      Lunch at Piccoli never disappoints!  

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