Thursday, February 8, 2024

Tuesday, 24 October 2023: 8608 Millway Drive

Dellene’s birthday and I got to see her and hug her neck!  

Our first stop this morning was the passport office in downtown Dallas.  Note to self:  Nothing was open in Dallas on Monday or Tuesday. No grassy knoll or depository.  No botanical gardens. Not even the bakery in Richardson. We tried to take advantage of being in Dallas but the gods were working against us.  Seems one can make an appointment for a passport if you have “proof” you are traveling within two weeks.  Well, I had a copy of our hotel reservation and that sufficed but since I didn’t have an airline ticket, and because I wasn’t traveling within 24 hours, they had to mail my passport to me.  I’d have been quite happy to pick it up on the same day, but no cigar.  

On to Georgetown to find the terracotta drawer pulls and treasures we’d planned to take to Mexico.  We thought we’d be staying at the house and it just made more sense to leave treasures there rather than cart them to Wisconsin and then back. So it’s good that the house is rented but it isn’t exactly what we had planned.

We found a NFCU in Round Rock to make a deposit.  We’d ended up with too much cash to carry to Mexico from sale of the car, Frig and stove. 

Finally, on to Dellene’s house. I needed to see the birthday girl!  Sister and Gemma stayed at home while Dellene, Mike, Justin and I had dinner at French Quarter Grill.   This restaurant never disappoints!

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