Thursday, February 8, 2024

Wednesday, 29 November 2023: Cordoba

On Tuesday we drove from Laredo to San Louis Potosí.  We’d first tried to cross the border on Saturday, 28 October.  Yesterday, Tuesday, 28 November we were able to cross — and drive.  One month of our lives spent on ground hog day.  

One advantage of leaving
really, really early is the likelihood
of no waiting at the border. 

We left really early and it was still dark when we stopped for breakfast at a road side street stand.  I hadn’t had tacos that good in a long, long time.   We’d just passed through a comparatively dangerous section of Mexico (the area closest to the border) and we hit dense, dense fog. 

We pulled into our hotel in San Luis Potosí (Comfort Inn… we won’t need to come back here) just after 4pm and that was just in time to take the Gemma for a nice long walk before we headed to dinner.  Justin had found an Italian restaurant that was calling his name.  Yes, we got back in the car to drive to a restaurant. Dinner was a bit strange but we had another nice long walk before heading back to call it a day.  

Today, we were in stop-n-stop traffic going from SLP to Cordoba. Arrived after dark.   Not fun.  We stayed at our favorite Suite Layfer hotel.  The hotel is quite nice for this travel, but it was all good.  Gemma liked it too.  

Saw this sign and took a pic for
Bill Dean -- maybe he opened a restaurant?

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