Friday, August 23, 2019

Wednesday, 7 August 2019: By the Bay

Work continues...
Dave was here and the banana bread was in the oven by 6:45.  That’s too early.  

Those trucks have over 80,000 lbs of stone!  Plus the truck.
Erich, Holly and the kids came to visit -- yes, in the middle of this mayhem!
Oh, wait!  The electricity went out about 5pm.  Thankfully I’d already mad a pot of spaghetti.
And, thankfully we have a gas stove and I was able to light the burner to boil the water to cook the pasta.  But, above all else, thankfully Erich and Holly had a relaxed attitude so our dinner by candlelight was an adventure for the kids rather than a catastrophe.  

Captain Grandpa made sure all the kids were a safe distance and had ear protection.

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