Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Saturday, 20 July 2019: Sturgeon Bay

Yesterday was the last Friday without football until February.
I am ready for football!

We are enjoying lots of lilies. The most popular ones are a dark but bright orange -- affectionately referred to by the locals as “ditch orange”.   In a small way, they remind me of the wild flowers at home -- is this home?  Nope.  Good, but not home. 

This debris line is farther in than the boat 
house -- actually about 12' from the water.

We had a very strange electrical storm during the night.  As I stood at the window looking out at the water, I was reminded of a toddler flipping the light on and off and on and off but for thirty or forty minutes without stopping.  The thunder was rolling but it was far, far away.

We woke up to about ten trees down.  This puts us close to about thirty trees down just this summer.  

Went to place the down payment with Dave at Pier and Water Solutions.  Our waterfront has been all consuming this summer -- writing the check for 50% was a huge step toward some resolution.  

Since we were in Sturgeon Bay already, we headed to farmer's market.  It was raining so I stayed in the car while Justin made quick rounds.  Our next stop was Wanda Jean's for lunch.  I just love the name of that restaurant since in sounds so southern.  I quite like their breakfast so it is a double win.  We had another cup of coffee while yet another storm came through -- enough already!!!  Sadly, we came home to at least three more trees down.

Justin made a fabulous Greek tomato salad for dinner -- YUMMY!!!

Despite all the trees down, we are still able to enjoy our views and our fabulous sunsets!

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