Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Wednesday, 31 July 2019: Brussels

It was a morning for visitors.  
Jesse came to buy the Bayliner.  The boat wasn't what Justin really wanted plus he wanted it to be a family boat and it just didn't turn out that way.  Better to cut our losses and look for another boat next year.  They are all for sale anyway, right?  
Jesse and Justin signing paperwork.                     Jesse hooking up the trailer to his truck.

Going, going, gone

Sue came from Door County to look at our proposed water access.  In addition to looking at the shoreline, she really looked at everything and gave us the run-down on what we should be storing in the boathouse -- only boats, docks, paddles, oars, life preservers, etc.  She specifically said no lawnmowers, bicycles, tools, etc.  Really?  Really?  We didn't ask her about cement mixers or tractors.  

Talked to Stephanie and got a DoDDS update.  I am sure she heard in my voice how happy I was to not really be impacted by all the hoop-la.  

Tonight was night one of round two of the democratic debates.  I still like Buttigieg but I really want to get a bumper sticker for Bartlett.  Justin and I are continuing to watch The West Wing.  We are toward the end of season three and I am totally amazed at how timely the topics are even though it was twenty years ago.  

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