Friday, August 23, 2019

Saturday, 3 August 2019: On the Bay

During the week, Hilary Rath came over and we had a great visit.  She and Justin used to teach together at Aldo Leopold and Hilary is still there.  She is delightful.

We also watched the second round of debates during the week.  Half of the democratic hopefuls need to throw in the towel and move on.  Just like many people wanted to vote against a candidate in 2016, the dems need to agree on a candidate to face up against Trump.  This needs to get serious very quickly.

Friday night means fish fry in Wisconsin and Jsutin is a Wisconsin boy.  We went to Highland Howies for dinner and then to Chefusion for cocktails and jazz -- nice escape!

On Saturday we ran errands -- in the rain -- now there is a surprise!  Our first stop was farmers market.  Later, I dropped Justin off at Windjammers where he was meeting Dave to try to get Merlin started... yes, again.  I headed to Best Buy to turn in Justin’s computer for repair and then treated myself to a pedicure.  Dave had offered to help get the Merlin started and then they we planned to mow the grass.  Justin signed himself up on the grounds committee at Windjammers Sailing Club.  Rain interfered with the mowing plan; thankfully the  bar was stocked and their was plenty of beer to sustain the boys through the rain.  

Later on Saturday evening, Don and Amy came over.  Over beverages, beer for the boys and wine for Amy and me, we commiserated about our shoreline and our plight.  Work begins next week!  My, oh, my!  

Late in the week I mailed the certified, return receipt requested letters of intent to Margie and to Don and Amy -- like this s a big secret!  We also got out notarized copy of the notification we ran in the Door County Advocate.  Yes, we've dotted all Is and crossed all Ts.

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