Monday, May 14, 2018

Sunday, 13 May 2018: Brussels

Today was Mother’s Day.  I’ve never felt the need to play the Mother’s Day card, but Justin seems to encourage me ... I am a grandmother after all, he reminds me from time to time.  We started the day by meeting Jordan, Kris and the kids at April’s for breakfast.  I celebrated with a Belgian waffle and bacon.  We all headed back to our house afterwards.  

Jordan said he had “stuff”for us.  He said it was “old, new, borrowed and blue.”  We all knew that saying wasn’t for Mother’s Day but we went along with him.  The “old” was paint we had given to them last year when we headed to Mexico.  Knowing it would not keep here since it would freeze, they stored it in their garage and I needed it back to finish the kitchen cabinets, ceiling and do some touch up around the house.  The “new”was a great flowering basket for me for Mother’s Day.  What a nice surprise.  Justin hung it in the gazebo where we can easily see it from several different angles.  The “borrowed” was Justin’s Native American dancing horse stick and the “blue” was a Krueger pot Jordan found for his dad.  Justin had had a red Krueger pot and it got lost somewhere in the shuffle of moving half way around the world.  Justin knows Tom Krueger, the artist, and we have a couple of his paintings displayed throughout our home.  This ceramic pot is a great addition.

Jonas and Caleb decided to stay at our house while Jordan, Kris and Willow headed to their cottage to put down a new floor.  The boys worked hard at building dams in the creek and climbing up on the mountain of dirt near our driveway.  Justin took a break from building our bed frame to make us all pb&j sandwiches for lunch.  I was pleasantly surprised that the boys wanted to stay as long as they did.  They were quite happy playing out side.  They asked for Netflix once; I told them they needed to be outside since it was so warm and pretty. 

 At about 6pm we all went to Jordan and Kris’ cottage for dinner off pizza.  Justin and I made it home in time to enjoy a beverage and watch the sunset.  All in all, it was a great day!

[I am actually caught up on our blog.  Lindi and Mary will never believe it!  This has happened only one other time I think.  Thanks for your support.]

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