Monday, May 14, 2018

Wednesday, 18 April 2018: Marion, Arkansas

On the road by 6am bound for Purina Farms.  I slept most of the way.  I don’t often sleep in the car but today I slept.
Dogs were fantastic!  It was fun to have a glimpse into this slice of life.
The parade of champions was a highlight for me.  We will need to get Gemma signed up for next year...of course we will also need to get her groomed prior to the event.  She looked quite the ragamuffin today compared to all the other pups who had been buffed and polished to a super high gloss, so to speak.  We talked to DeeDee, Gemma’s breeder, for quite a while.  She sold her Silde Kennels a few years ago but she’s still very active in the breed.  

Went to Mick and Georgeane’s at the end of the day.  We took them out to dinner for local BBQ.  On a scale of one to ten, it was pretty good.

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