Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday, 30 April 2018: Bayshore

Steve and Lindi (Justin's niece) drove in from Minocqua for a day trip.  They hadn’t been here before so it was important to Justin and I to get the house ready.  We’d been so focused on the break wall we hadn’t done much inside.  Plus, I’d ordered a steam mop and a dust buster that were to be delivered on Tuesday.  However, since Steve and Lindi were coming and Erich was coming in from Milwaukee following the surf, Justin and I did an all out press to get the house ready.  

Lindi and Mary Leinard are probably the only two people on the planet who read this blog; they both “remind” me from time to time that I am behind in my posting.  I do not mind at all since it keeps me honest.  

Steve and Lindi plan to spend much of next winter on their property in New Mexico.  Lindy and I talked a bit about “getting out the door” — a term I picked up from Stephen Marcoe.  Getting set up to pay bills on line, getting connected with phone and internet, being able to lock and leave your home, getting in the car and driving away are all hurdles.  Dellene serving as our postmaster was a huge step in us being able to get out the door.  

Steve has found success with WeConnect as a booster to his cell phone for his RV and for in his vehicle.  Justin wanted to pick his brain about this possibility for both in Brussels and if it works here, maybe in Mexico too. 

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