Saturday, May 5, 2018

Thursday, 12 April 2018: New Orleans

Not surprisingly we slept through most of the morning.  Justin read news aloud so we were caught up as we started the day.  Paul Ryan resigns. (Will he run for president later?). Trump threatens to strike against Syria.  National Guard troups at the border.  Congress asks meaningful questions of Zuckerberg as opposed to the senseless questions from the Senate. (I still contend that Facebook is the work of the devil.).  Trade sanctions?

Justin told Stephen he was willing to help him return his rental car but they’d already done that so we set out on foot to meet Stephen, Barbie and Dalton at St Roch Market.  The walk was a bit longer than we anticipated but it was good to walk.  We probably should have just passed and met them later in the day, but I enjoyed the raw oysters we ate there.  The bar tender had a special called “trust me.”  She asked me a few questions about what I liked and I ended up with something like a Hemingway daiquiri — half the sugar and double the booze of a traditional daiquiri


Back closer to the river, to Jackson Square and to Bourbon Street, Justin and I whiled away the next several hours.  We roamed.. and ate ... and drank ... and, in general, had a grand time!

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