Monday, May 14, 2018

Saturday, 21 April 2018: Milwaukee

We spent a few days with Mic and Georgeanne returning to the poodle show each day and then catching up with Justin's family in the evenings.  

I cooked dinner one night when Erica joined
 us for dinner.  Erica is a third cousin
 who lives in Alabama.

Mic and Georgeanne are such gracious hosts; it is so pleasant in their home.  And, the view out over the Mississippi isn't
 bad either.

  One evening cousin Jim hosted the entire family for dinner!  I think there were at least twenty people there.  It was great for Justin to see everyone especially his cousin Thelma who is in her late 80's.  

But, by now we were in Milwaukee with Erich, Holly and their kids.  Yes, we are getting farther and farther north.  

Justin just about melted with Lilly, Brody and Finn all crawling into our bed in the morning. Yes, this is why we come back to Wisconsin. 

We took Brody and Finn to the zoo.  And a fun time was had by all.

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