Sunday, June 3, 2018

Saturday, 19 May 2018: Green Bay

I set my alarm for 4am.  No, I wasn’t catching a flight and I wasn’t even upset about needing to get up in the middle of the night.  I wanted to watch The Royal Wedding.  I texted Dellene to see if she was awake.  I thought we’d be able to share even it from a distance.  Do you know that that girl was asleep!  She’d set her DVR to record, but still... she was asleep!

Later, but still before 8am, I headed to Astor Park to meet Kris and Willow for a community rummage sale.  Astor Park is truly “old” Green Bay — the community was one of the first to be called Green Bay and there is lots of old money here too.  It reminds me of West University in Houston or Hyde Park in Austin.  Kris and I both were set to find treasures as the rummage sale has historically been dozens of homes.  The weather was iffy and, unfortunately, there were not too many houses participating.  We were so disappointed.  I would have been torqued if this was the only reason I was awake, dressed and out of the house that early on a Saturday.  
Jordan and Justin were at Windjammers for “boats in”.  That is always a long day so I had plenty of time to run errands and putz in town.

Erich, Brody and Finn came to visit for two days last week.  I hope they get to stay longer next time.

We’ve been mixing and pouring concrete all too often.  Justin is working himself into a frenzy fighting to save our breakwall.  Me?   I feel like I can work one day and then I need to take a day off to recuperate.  Lifting 60 lb bags of concrete is too much for me.

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